Bicep's Matt McBriar reveals brain tumour surgery

The Belfast-born music producer said a "large and pretty rare" tumour had been found earlier this year.
2024-08-14 01:06:22

Trump to be interviewed by FBI in shooting investigation

New messages suggest the 20-year-old gunman was on the radar of law enforcement earlier than thought.
2024-07-29 21:08:31

Complex life on Earth may be much older than thought

Scientists say they have new evidence that complex life on Earth began much earlier than previously believed.
2024-07-29 03:06:49

Keir Starmer arrives in NI on first visit as prime minister

The overnight visit will see the Labour leader continue his tour of the UK after travelling to Scotland earlier on Sunday.
2024-07-08 04:06:42

No-one else sought over paramedic and nurse deaths

Daniel Duffield, 24, and Lauren Evans, 22, were found at an address in Staffordshire earlier this week.
2024-06-28 20:07:40

Labour member suspended after honeytrap arrest

Earlier this year, a string of men, mostly in politics, revealed they had received unsolicited WhatsApps.
2024-06-26 22:08:13

Man arrested in connection with Westminster honeytrap case

Earlier this year, a string of men, mostly in politics, revealed they had received unsolicited WhatsApps.
2024-06-26 10:08:52

King to take part in Trooping the Colour from carriage

An official will stand in for the Princess of Wales at an earlier ceremony as she continues chemotherapy.
2024-05-31 00:07:25

All police charges dropped against golf star Scottie Scheffler

Charges against world number one Scottie Scheffler are dropped following his arrest for assaulting a police officer earlier this month.
2024-05-29 20:08:01

Alec Baldwin request to drop Rust manslaughter case denied

The actor was charged earlier this year over the fatal shooting of a cinematographer on a film set in 2021.
2024-05-25 02:06:47

When is the next general election?

The next UK general election has to be held by 28 January 2025, but could take place earlier.
2024-05-03 19:09:12

The King temporarily stepped back from his public duties earlier this year while being treated for cancer.
2024-04-26 19:08:29

Xi meets Blinken as China warns US against crossing 'red lines'

Blinken had earlier met his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, who warned that relations with US could slip into a 'downward spiral'.
2024-04-26 11:08:28

Man accused of showjumper murder threatened me with bath of bleach, ex says

Jonathan Creswell, who was on trial for the murder of Katie Simpson, was found dead earlier this week.
2024-04-25 19:09:32

PM's dementia adviser quits over benefits clawback

Johnny Timpson says the government is failing to protect vulnerable people by not intervening earlier.
2024-04-24 06:07:41

Devastation in Gaza as Israel wages war on Hamas

A grave with nearly 300 bodies has been uncovered at a hospital in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis, Gaza Civil Defense workers said, following the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the area earlier this month.
2024-04-23 07:06:35

Murder detectives return to scene of torso find

Police reopen a crime scene where an unidentified man's remains were found earlier this month.
2024-04-21 16:08:12

Iran launches dozens of drones toward Israel

Iran launched more than 100 drones toward Israel, according to an Israeli military official, in retaliation for an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus earlier this month.
2024-04-14 08:06:30

Police knew about 'honeytrap' messages last year

The Met began investigating suspicious WhatsApps to men at Westminster much earlier than thought, the BBC learns.
2024-04-11 14:08:33

Omid Scobie: Endgame draft text to blame for royal naming error

Omid Scobie says he included the names in an earlier version of the text of Endgame.
2023-12-08 19:09:15

Voyager 2: Nasa fully back in contact with lost space probe

Voyager 2 has restored its communication with Earth months earlier than expected.
2023-08-05 02:21:26

Former UK PM Boris Johnson joins news channel

Johnson, who stepped down as an MP earlier this year, will present and produce his own programmes.
2023-10-27 17:12:44

Portuguese police apologise to Madeleine McCann's parents

Senior officers travelled to the UK to meet Gerry McCann earlier this year, the BBC is told.
2023-10-30 08:11:22

House price growth subdued as borrowing costs bite

Prices in March rose 1.6% compared with a year earlier but were down compared with February.
2024-04-02 10:08:48

Danelo Cavalcante: Surveillance footage shows killer 'crab walk' out of US prison

Danelo Cavalcante used the same escape route taken by another inmate who fled earlier this year.
2023-09-07 21:21:02

Australia fines X for failing to crack down on child abuse content

It comes as X's owner Elon Musk had earlier called child safety his number one priority.
2023-10-16 07:07:51

Second American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva arrested in Russia

Alsu Kurmasheva's detention comes after the arrest of Evan Gershkovich earlier this year.
2023-10-19 14:10:40

Grand Theft Auto VI trailer finally revealed

Rockstar Games releases the trailer 15 hours earlier than expected after it is leaked online.
2023-12-05 02:06:52

Roman Protasevich: Belarus pardons activist hauled off flight

Earlier this month, Roman Protasevich was jailed for eight years for inciting unrest in Belarus.
2023-05-22 13:12:58

Google alert failed to warn people of Turkey earthquake

The tech giant claims millions of people were sent a warning before the deadly earthquake earlier this year.
2023-07-27 19:36:13

Third arrest made in New York fentanyl nursery child death

Toddler Nicholas Dominici died earlier this month after being exposed to fentanyl at his nursery.
2023-09-26 07:08:49

N Korea tells Japan it will launch spy satellite in days

Two failed launches earlier this year caused alarm in South Korea and Japan.
2023-11-21 07:08:35

Kathleen Folbigg: Woman jailed over infant deaths has convictions quashed

An Australian court quashes Kathleen Folbigg's four convictions, after she was pardoned earlier this year.
2023-12-14 04:07:26

Florida teenager Dev Shah wins US Spelling Bee with 'psammophile'

Dev Shah defeats Charlotte Walsh after she fails to correctly spell "daviely" in an earlier round.
2023-06-02 05:06:56

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg agree to hold cage fight

Earlier this month, Meta showed staff plans for a text-based social network designed to compete with Twitter.
2023-06-22 13:12:13

Qatar's prime minister met with top Taliban leader in Afghanistan earlier this month, sources say

Qatar's prime minister met secretly with the Taliban's top leader earlier this month in Afghanistan, two sources familiar with the meeting confirmed to CNN.
2023-06-01 02:07:33

Former US swimmer's death in the US Virgin Islands caused by accidental fentanyl intoxication, autopsy says

The death earlier this year of former US swimming champion Jamie Cail has been ruled accidental and fentanyl related, according to a Facebook post from the US Virgin Islands Police Department.
2023-08-28 23:07:45

Weather that drove eastern Canada's devastating wildfires made twice as likely by climate change

The weather conditions that fueled record-shattering wildfires in eastern Canada earlier this summer -- and sent plumes of hazardous air into the US -- were made more likely and more intense by the climate crisis, according to a new report published Tuesday.
2023-08-23 18:36:12

Israeli police arrest five following uproar over Jews spitting on Christians

Israel Police arrested five people Wednesday on suspicion of spitting towards Christians or churches in the Old City of Jerusalem, they announced, following an uproar a day earlier over Orthodox Jews spitting at Christian pilgrims.
2023-10-05 11:07:40

Peru protesters, including children, killed in 'extrajudicial executions' by security forces, Amnesty finds

Peruvian security forces carried out widespread attacks against protestors with "extrajudicial executions "and "widespread use of lethal ammunition" earlier this year, while trying to contain mass protests that started in December 2022, according to Amnesty International.
2023-05-25 21:07:40

After Turkey's catastrophic quake, this could have been Erdogan's last election. Instead, he's poised to win

Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan's rise to power was ushered in by the contentious political aftermath of the 1999 Izmit earthquake. So when another devastating quake laid waste to large swathes of southeast Turkey earlier this year, many observers expected the president's two-decade rule to end with a full circle.
2023-05-24 16:07:29

A főnökök 80 százaléka megbánta, hogy visszarendelte a dolgozókat az irodába a home office-ból

Egy új kutatás szerint a főnökök 80%-a megbánta döntését, hogy visszarendelte az irodákba az alkamazottait, és azt állítja, hogy másképp álltak volna hozzá a tervhez, ha jobban megértették volna, hogy mit akarnak az alkalmazottaik - írja a CNBC.
2023-08-12 10:45:10

Már az EKB egyik legszigorúbb tagja is arról beszél, hogy az infláció megszelídült

Az Európai Központi Bank Kormányzótanácsának egyik legszigorúbb tagja, Isabel Schnabel szerint az infláció jelentősen lassul, a kijelentés miatt pedig a piacok máris márciusi kamatcsökkentésre fogadnak - írta meg a Bloomberg.
2023-12-05 17:07:36

Mélypontra estek az amerikai lakáseladások: ennyibe kerül most egy átlagos amerikai lakás

Hat hónapos mélypontra estek júliusban az Egyesült Államokban a lakáseladások, miután az új hitelek kamata az elmúlt évtized legmagasabb szintjén áll. Ez nemcsak a vevőket, de az eladókat is visszatartja, akik szintén nem tudnak új, nagyobb értékű ingatlant vásárolni a magas kamatok miatt, így inkább kivárnak az eladással. A korlátozott kínálat viszont január óta először ismét növelte az árakat - írja a Reuters.
2023-08-23 19:07:15

A Hezbollah kész csatlakozni a Hamász Izrael elleni háborújához

A Hezbollah kész csatlakozni a Hamász Izrael ellen indított háborújához, ha eljön annak az ideje ? jelentette ki az Irán által támogatott, libanoni terrorszervezet helyettes vezetője, Naim Qassem egy palesztin-párti felvonuláson Bejrútban. Ha ez bekövetkezne, akkor Izraelnek kétfrontos háborút kellene vívnia, északon és délen, amit próbálnának elkerülni. ?Hezbollah? is ready to join Hamas in the war against Israel ?when the time comes.? The organization?s deputy head, Naim Qassem, said this at a pro-Palestinian rally in the southern suburbs of Beirut. Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Hosein A...
2023-10-13 17:11:36

Holnap éjféltől nem lehet behajtani orosz rendszámú autóval Finnországba

Szombat éjféltől nem lehet orosz rendszámú autóval Finnországba utazni ? jelentették be a finn hatóságok, noha korábban úgy tűnt, hogy a finnek nem tesznek eleget az Európai Bizottság erről szóló ajánlásának. Az orosz autók a balti államból már ki vannak tiltva, és az Oroszországgal rövid szakaszon határos Norvégia is fontolgatja, hogy ne engedjen be többet orosz rendszámú autókat. The Finnish authorities banned the entry of cars with Russian license plates from midnight on September 16. A similar ban has already been introduced in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Earlier, Yle reported that Fin...
2023-09-15 17:07:58

Felvételek a moszkvai dróntámadásról és az azt elhártító rendszerről

Az Aljazeera oldalán is közzétették azokat a felvételek, amelyek a ma hajnali moszkvai dróntámadásról készültek. Moscow City Officials have announced that Air Defense Batteries were able to Shoot Down at least 10 Drones which were Detected over the City within the last few hours, with Damage from Debris and ?Successful Impacts? affecting multiple Residential Buildings; it was additionally? ? OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) May 30, 2023 A TASZSZ és a RIA Novosztyi hírügynökség szerint a Lenin sugárúton és a Profszojuznaja utcában ért találat egy egy-egy lakóépületet. A...
2023-05-30 10:09:48

Hegymászó barátjuk halála sokkolóan hatott, de feljutott az Everestre egy siket házaspár

A pár korábban megmászták a világ legmagasabb hegyei közül a Kilimandzsárót, az Aconcaguát, a Mont Blanc-t és a Matterhornt. A The Messenger szerint voltak izgalmak, Scott Lehmann szerint ugyanis nagyon kellett küzdenie a végén, ugyanis elfogyott a levegője. Szerencsére a csúcstámadás előtti hetekben megtanították a jelbeszéd fontosabb kifejezéseit a segítőknek, és ez jól jött azon a hideg reggelen. Lehmann szédült, elhomályosult a látása, de egy serpa a segítségére sietett, nyugodtan odaadta neki az oxigénmaszkját. Miután jobban lett, az elszánt házaspár továbbment és reggel 6 órakor egymás k...
2023-06-14 17:08:58

EU Reviews Aid for Palestinians, Reversing Earlier Freeze

Post Content
2023-10-10 11:28:44

I should have twigged Covid risk earlier, admits Boris Johnson

The former PM tells the pandemic inquiry he initially underestimated the challenge posed by the virus.
2023-12-06 19:08:37


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